Are you looking for advice on how to stay active during pregnancy, what exercises are safe to do or having trouble with pregnancy related symptoms like low back or pelvic pain? I’m here to help!
Pregnancy is an exciting time of your life, but can also sometimes feel a little bit overwhelming. There are a lot of changes going on in your body, you are after all growing a whole new person, and sometimes our bodies need a little bit of help on the way. During pregnancy we might get pains and aches we didn’t have before or it might be difficult to figure out exactly what exercises or activities to do to stay active. And staying active comes with a lot of benefits. Physical activity during pregnancy helps to control weight gain, improves fitness, sleep and general wellbeing. It can also reduce high blood pressure and the risk of pregnancy related diabetes. However sometimes these aches and pains like low back pain or general fatigue, nausea and all the other symptoms of pregnancy might make you feel like exercising is the last thing on your mind. Physiotherapy can help to manage these symptoms and find a way to stay active that works best for you. Book an appointment and we can figure it out together.
Wondering how to return to your previous activity levels or what exercises are safe? Have problems like “mom belly” or leaking while coughing after having your baby? Let’s find solutions together
The time after having your baby is exciting, full of new experiences and lots of firsts. First cuddle with your baby, first bath, first nappy change, first time getting out of the house with the baby and first time thinking about returning back to exercising or the sports that you love. But how? There is so much going on with having a little baby at home and recovering from childbirth that it might just feel overwhelming. Physical activity after childbirth however comes with a lot of benefits. It can be the time you take for yourself, staying active can help improve your mood, help control weight, improve tummy muscle tone and strength and help you sleep better. After birth many women have problems with leaking while sneezing, pain and discomfort while being active in back or pelvis, diastasis recti or mom belly. Physiotherapy can help manage these symptoms and find a way back to activities and sports you love. Book an appointment today.
Curious about your baby’s developmental milestones like turning, crawling or walking? Wondering how to support your baby in achieving them or have questions around what, how and when? Find out more.
You have been carrying your baby for 9 months and now they are here! It’s an exciting time full of firsts. First smile, first laughter, first tummy time (which usually is not very popular with the little ones 😀). Sometimes it feels like they are learning something new every day and there is so much to learn, so many skills to concur. Physiotherapy can help your little one in reaching those exciting milestones like turning, crawling and walking, making exercising for example tummy time more fun. Doing exercises with your baby is a lovely way to spend time with them and bond. In Femi Fisio we can also advise about ergonomically feeding positions, using and choosing a baby carrier, best positions to help your baby with colics and pain from gas. Book your appointment today!
Appointments available online, in the clinic or the comfort of your home. Book your appointment now and exercise together with your baby!